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Youth Activism Project Presents:

Circe's Circle

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Circe’s Circle, a part of the Youth Activism Project's Big Read, engaged teens and community members in exploring Madeline Miller's Circe. Through in-person and virtual discussions, the program aimed to deepen participants' understanding of feminism and anti-oppression frameworks, inspire personal storytelling as advocates for change, and encourage involvement in non-partisan voting and policy advocacy. This initiative fostered community connections, celebrated literature, and empowered participants to link the book's themes to real-world activism.

In our Circe's Circle book club, we had a diverse group of participants, including both youth and adults. To capture their reflections and insights from our discussions, they crafted haikus inspired by Circe. Let’s read those creative haikus in the section below.

She always tries hard,
Fire within her veins lit.
She will never win.

Sara Grace, 17, Idaho

Fiercly questioning
Finds her magic through harsh storms
Shines humility

Charlemagne, 15

Woman, mother, god
Castaway among the stars

Anon, 20, Virginia

Circe Mother Witch
Strength and courage brought her peace
Battle life and won

Shelly-Ann, 47, Jamaica

oh goddess, heart of
mortals, you embraced your truth
and there power laid

Obse, 19, New York

Alone it's quiet
No more screaming, lecturing
Finally, I"m me

anon, 20, San Diego

Titan and Nymph
Pharmakis transformation
Circe seeks her peace

Camilo, 53, Washington, DC

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