Organizing Campaigns
The Youth Activism Project is currently leading the following organizing campaigns in Maryland and Michigan. All of our campaigns are co-created between teens and our full-time staff, with our teens having the final say in all decisions. If you’re from any of the communities these campaigns serve and are interested in joining, make sure you select the corresponding campaign in our intake form.

Maryland Students for Educational Equity
MSEE is our student-led movement fighting racial and education inequities in the state of Maryland. We envision Maryland public schools as liberatory spaces where all students can see themselves in the curricula, feel safe while prioritizing physical and mental health, and access customized support tailored to their learning style to reach their full potential. We currently have chapters in Prince George’s, Montgomery, and Carroll Counties, as well as Baltimore City. Currently, our focus is passing legislation guaranteeing free breakfast and lunch in all Maryland public schools.
Soda Free Campaign (Baltimore City)
In Baltimore, low-income communities are disproportionately targeted by the soda and sugary beverage industry. One in 4 children in Baltimore drinks at least one soda every day, which increases their risk of Type 2 diabetes, obesity and tooth decay. On average, children consume more than 30 gallons of sugary drinks every year. This is enough to fill a bathtub. Our campaign serves to raise awareness amongst the public and policymakers about this issue and policy solutions that will fix it.
Michigan SNAP (Food Stamps) Campaign
In partnership with Detroit Area Youth United Michigan, we are leading a campaign to change requirements that will allow more people access to SNAP benefits, allow hot foods, use SNAP to pay for personal products (like feminine hygiene), and allow SNAP benefits to pay for delivery services. We will achieve this goal through public events, rallies, and social media. When this goal is met, we will keep organizing until Michigan is a place where everyone has equal access to the food that they need.