Our free YOUth ACTivism: Guide to Change was written by teens for teens. It breaks down all the steps needed to start and execute a successful policy advocate campaign from the ground up.

How to Find Your Cause & Get Started

Our free bilingual action guide, co-authored by experienced student activists with School Girls Unite, describes key elements for starting a campaign plus many clever advocacy stories that showcase video petitions, street theater and lobbying elected officials.

Our free guide covers all the basics of Youth Participatory Action Research (YPAR) and how this powerful process that has been used all around the world for empowering youth to use surveys, focus groups, interviews, photovoice, etc. to make their case for real change.

The most ‘woke’ teacher or counselor cannot speak for students. Here’s what 50 young people from 15 states say about this pro-active restorative practice of building connections and reducing the need for reactive restorative justice discipline policies.

Our free interactive training manual focuses on how adult allies and advocacy organizations can be most effective in co-piloting with youth who take the lead in changing community norms and policies.

This booklet contains dozens of suggestions for starting a club, community outreach, fundraising, and talking to leaders about global gender education and justice.

Over 1/4 of the population in the is U.S. under the age of 18. However, 26% remain unheard on many issues that affect them. Packed with true stories and original youth-produced exhibits, this paperback, now available as a digital download, co-authored by Wendy Lesko and 19-year-old Emanuel Tsourounis, outlines how minors can make a major impact.

This guide was written by the youth led campaign: Archnova Mental Health. Over the course of several years, Archnova achieved many victories, including helping draft a youth suicide prevention bill, which they lobbied in favor of, and was ultimately signed into law in May 2019
Student Voice outlines the steps for preparing and delivering a presentation to your Board of Education on an idea or problem you want to be addressed in your school district.
Comprehensive roadmap by Dignity in Schools and other organizations that highlights the successful Girls for Gender Equity campaign which resulted in the establishment of Young Women’s Advisory Council that partners with city agencies throughout New York City.
In the midst of the COVID-19 crisis, youth organizing groups have been adapting to continue vital work in our new conditions. Groups are asking key questions about the best ways to manage their organizations and organize young people while social distancing.
Funders’ Collaborative on Youth Organizing (FCYO) is hosting a free webinar series to support youth organizing groups in navigating this new terrain.
Rooted in Rights created this checklist that will best ensure your event is accessible to the members of the disability community.
This template created by iCIVICS provides a roadmap that includes tips on researching an issue and organizing information from many sources. These steps represent a solid strategy for launching a community action campaign.
Girls for Gender Equity’s latest participatory action research spells out problems and policy recommendations. Several workshop templates are included in the Appendix.
Short videos with personal stories and strategies by Youth in Front on specific topics including Why protest? How do I organize a protest? Will I get in trouble? How does a march become a movement?
One of our favorite one-hour workshops complete with a video where a virtual coach guides your core group to define your primary goal, specific leadership roles, time management, and even a chant. We highly recommend other resources developed by the Resistance School.
Twenty tactics for change agents including subvertising…using satire and humor to spoof or parody ads in ways that challenge underlying assumptions.
Lots of how-to information plus inspiration from recent protests in this curriculum starter co-authored by a former social studies teacher and 11th grader from Baltimore.
The reach of Youth Radio extends far beyond SF and Oakland with DIY to create your own podcast, record high-quality interviews on your phone, checking facts, etc.
You can add social media strategies to this historic list created decades ago by Gene Sharp, author of The Politics of Non-Violent Action.
Real–not token–student involvement driving school and community change is Adam Fletcher’s passion. This resource has lots of information that will inform and inspire.
This resource from Maryville University Online details a couple of recent examples of viral social causes that have lead to change all over the world. It also provides information and tips for anyone looking to create traction for a cause or a non-profit organization.

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